Sunday, February 7, 2010

Therapy Session

It's been a while. Long time since ive been writing my thoughts, long time since ive been really thinking. I keep myself busy so I don't wonder off into dangerous territory. Places, events and people I don't want to think about.

My biggest fear will become the rescue of me.

My biggest fear? confrontin myself, confronting those thoughts i purposely hid away in the deep corners of my mind.

But i can rescue myself. Be true to myself. Be number one to myself.

Number one is Nas.

But that is hard to fathom. Put myself before others. But i know i must love myself before i can love others. I truly believe this.

so i will apply this to my life: Im breathing for me, not for others. My heart beats for me. My legs walk for me. My eyes gaze for me.
I will treat myself better. My body and my mind is my temple.

Feels so free when I think about.

It's a brand new day. And im feeling good.

Im gonna try to update this more often.

Love u all!

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