Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good Update!

Well hello hello. Dont really know who im saying hello to. I only know of one other person who reads this besides me, whats up vinnie san. So anyways...apparently my last blog was april 23rd...damn...
So im gonna have a happy update!

Whats been goin on with my life:
Getting a tattoo this sat. Gettin tat tat tatted up.
Sleep is so much better since i got my bed.
Finally back to my fave pjs..." Tshirt and no panties on!" well actually haha...that was a joke. But my big new york tshirt and there are undies.
Getting a car...gonna zoom zoom zoom
Seein my friends from my obirin days
Wrapped the cute lil 1st graders around my fingers...got them giving me back rubs and massages.Great times.
Bought ten books and now reading the 7th book.
Am completely convinced that House is on my sexy for life list.
Noobies, Noobies and more Noobies
Forcing myself to go out more, even when i just wanna be lazy and stay home/sleep
Been doin some secret stuff....
Been cookin everyday.
what a great date it was
appreciatin my remote control fan. I love u!
was gonna buy a iphone, but sad when i didnt see it at the softbank store.
ASL - area support leader
FOA - Fukushima orientation assistant
FuJET ms. pres - yeah biatch
its really sexy when ur dancin with a lollipop in ur mouth...will love that song for a long time
my hot teacher up and got married...so im flirting extra hard...is that bad or am i just being bitter? maybe both...
decoratin my house
went home for a week. What a great time.
sad i missed thursty thrusday tho.
lovin my pasmo card. I love u!
did i say i went on a date?
snooped on my neighbor this afternoon...oh oh oh drama drama drama
here i am - rick ross...song i play at least 6 times a day. since last week
im over pluckin my eyebrows...need to stop
uuummmm.....there has to be more....made another trip to the hospital
oh yeah...realized why i never go out with youngins. can never get into the clubs!
nobby has the best style ive seen for a japanese man. love u!

i think for right now. im gonna stop.
So thats whats been goin on. Nothing really anything major. But the tat is big. Im excited and just cant believe im gonna do the whole pain thing. But this time for two hours! wtf....
so yes...
im getting tired. Gonna watch house or some katt williams. Most likely some katt.
throw the flag and blow ur whistle...haha so funny.

well ta ta!

1 comment:

culvercity said...

hello nastassja
its ur father reading ur blogs
and feeling proud of who u became.

When u wrote about the teacher having a baby, I remember u saying never before Marc and reqding what you typed made me feel special knowning how grown up u r.

I am proud of u and marc..
and I love u both
