Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Pursuit to Longevity

Back to the gym today. 3 cigs and not being in the the gym for the past week and a half really does it to you. 50 mins, really felt like 50 mins. My instep started to hurt by 20 mins and by 35 mins, my lungs were burning. But i pushed and pushed, ran and ran. Through the pain, the sweat in my eyes, the soreness in my arms, I continued. My mind is blank. Just black. Empty space. I love it. No thoughts, just the sound of my breathing. Breathe in. Breathe out.
I feel my body. I feel alive.
Im addicted to it.

But now my feet are killing me. Im trying to run 5 miles in 50mins. Today i ran 4.5 miles. Almost there.
The pursuit to longevity is hard.
But you gotta go hard. Or go home.

I will have a wonderful night sleeping.

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