Monday, February 8, 2010

Stand Up Guy

*first, i wanna say that i bought a note book for my thoughts. I never ever had a diary or anything like that before. I needed to see my thoughts on paper. i wrote this between classes. Makes me smile and hopeful for the future*

Need a stand up guy. A guy who knows what he wants, not afraid to ask for it, reach for it. When he says "I'ma do it", he does it, with certainty and confidence.
A man who will take care of me mentally and physically. Stimulate me, both ways.
I want to lean on him, cling to him, hold him without no hesitation. Because i know he feels, yearns the same way about me.
I want to be held in his strong arms and feel his love poring through his pores. I want to be kissed on the forehead and hear his words as i drift off to sleep.
Nights and days will be as precious as breathing.
It makes me smile when i think about it
We will live for each other
...and our babies


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