Thursday, February 11, 2010

Amazing Big Heart

I did him wrong. Who you might be wondering? My ex-boyfriend. With details I'd rather keep between myself and him, I finally talked to him woman to man. No excuses, just my feelings during that time and why it took me 2 years to finally tell him. Time goes so fast, especially when you ignore.
I gave him closure. I made him smile. I pushed him to move on.
It's weird being on the side. The side where you did the wrong moves to your partner. The side where you have to explain yourself to the person who you hurt.
I felt horrible.
He's amazing. His Big Heart is Amazing. That makes me feel even more pathetic.

His last words to me before we ended our conversation "u were the last woman to truly have my heart n body".

I don't know what to think. I'm lying on my couch, mentally frozen.
I'm regretful words.
I'm just so sorry Mike.

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