Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pondering Time: Weird happenings and WTF stuff at school

So today was the last day for one of my six visit schools. This one happens to be one of my favorites, well...let me see. It was one of my favorites, but as stranger things happen that just make me think wtf, its being slowly climbing up that ladder. Slowly going up to being, i wouldn't mind if i didnt have to teach at this school anymore position.

I really and honestly believe that i have a school where the kids are really "friendly" with each other, to themselves, and to me.

I have three examples: And if whoever reads this, please think, is it just me that these things happen to or its just that phase that kids go through and i just happen to teach at that school. Oh this is elementary school.

Ok first case: Maybe 2nd to 3rd time at this school. I was sitting down next to a boy student. And as i was pointing to something on the board, the boy yells out "breast" in japanese and then proceeds to squeeze my left boob. This being my first time being felt up unwillingly, safe to say that i was shocked. Still to this day i can still see his hand tryin to inch to my breasts. Little freak.

Second Case: During the middle of this semester. I was sitting down with the rest of the students in the gym. We just watched the first act of a play and now it was a 15 minute intermission. As i was asking one of the female students what they thought so far about the play, i overheard another student say "eww that gross, please stop" I looked over to where she was facing to and my mouth dropped. I was basically looking at two 5th graders, boys, dry humpin themselves on the floor. Then another boy came and put his face in another boy's crotch. And i thought, what the hell. kanchos are insane but this is getting ridiculous.

Third Case: Im guessing that boys around 2nd year must be very curious with their penis cause they are always grabbing, especially when they are nervous, makin jokes about it. Ive seen that in america too, but today's event, just shocked me soo bad, that i wanted to stop teaching. Ok, let me take a deep breath. So a boy, was pulling his thingy out from his shorts, the bottom part and playing with it. Doesn't he have any tact! Omg, i was sooo grossed out. Why did i have be so nosy and wonder what he messin with. Oh i found out all right. And then he goes and touches a kids hand with the same hand he was just jerkin with. Sick! WTF!

Yes boys will be boys but....i dont even know what to say. Im too grossed about today. Im gonna leave it at that.

1 comment:

vinbiezel said...

I like your blog! but....... too much italics, haha. it makes me read your blog with my head tilted at a diagonal slant.