Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today after finding out one of my teachers at my visiting school is 6 month pregnant, she let me touch her stomach. Feeling the baby kicking, feeling it move was something so wonderful and amazing. Like opening a present, i was full with such excitement and joy, i just started to speak english to the baby. haha.

And then i looked even harder at my teacher, like really saw her. Not only as a teacher but as a mother. For some reason I had more respect for her. 6th months pregnant and still chasing down the 3rd graders down the hall. I know when i think about having a baby of my own, i think no, apprehensive and just straight scared. It's a big resposibility, me time is thrown out the window and wont return till well who knows.

But I just stared at my teacher and thought how strong she is, how unselfish she is, and maybe even more pretty. I've never seen unhappy pregnant person and she was glowing today.

This is a random post but i was surprised how i saw her in a different light today. I know she already has two children but just seeing her pregnant just got me thinking too much about babies.

ok itus,


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