Tuesday, April 1, 2008

sappy nas

Im so emotional! Can't stand it. Can't stand it.

Had a heated conversation about religion yesterday with my friend.

He made me cry.

What the... And as i was telling him that i was about to cry, i was thinking why am I crying over this? How can these words affect me more than someone calling me crude names. I consider myself a strong person, but for reason this hit my core and i couldn't hold it in.

Made me feel like i wasn't a good person.

I know im a good person, but does god know im a good person? Stupid friend made me doubt myself.

I was angry and started to cry. I hate it.

Anyways, another part of Nastassja, very emotional.

Besides from that, im getting annoyed at school. I have nothing to do except read Harry Potter and study japanese which i can't do for 8 hours straight.

One thing i can look foward to. Only two more days and ill be lickin hot chips crumbs off my thumb and index finger. Ummm get chills thinking about it. Gonna be a hot chips, hanami filled weekend.

Life is great

1 comment:

vinbiezel said...

haha, hot chips + hanami. life is indeed great.