Thursday, March 6, 2008

no pain no gain

For the past seven days ive been, well the first two days, chilaxin in the bed watching movies and the for the next 5, gradually moving around and trying not to laugh and cough. Coughin is the worst. Oh didnt say where i was. Back to the same hospital. Nurses laughed when i walked off the elevator and passed the nurses station. Ohh shes back. All that oily food shes eaten again.

Nope this time was just for surgery. Thats seems very nonchalant and that was my attitude arriving there. With my luggage resting on my shoulder and forearm walking like i would at the airport. Going on a little trip. Get cut up, rest in the hospital and go home. I just thought about the beginning and the end of my time at the hospital. Surgery and no more gall stones. Besides being scared half to death from the anesthesia, the point where i felt that recovery is a major part of surgery, wasnt till i woke up the next morning with tubes in my body and the pain of somone repeatedly kicking my insides. Not a good moment.

Well good things that did come out of this surgery experience:

1. No more gallstones, no more pain.
2. Able to see my gall stones. Even took them home (maybe thats more of an interesting thing)
3. Spent a wonderful week with 5 great japanese ladies
4. Made the 4th floor east wing more international
5. felt loved from my friends and co-workers
6. My love grew for my friends and some co-workers :)
7. Learned how to say "cuddle" and "crush" in Japanese. Very useful words.
8. Broadened my iwaki-ben vocabulary
9. Lost 4 pounds, not like i see it.

Theres so many people i want to say thank you to. All that laughing really made my spirits lift high and moved those stomach muscles. Even if it hurt and i had to get re-stitched. It was all worth it. Watching the people who came to visit me at the hospital, laughing around me and bringing me get well gifts. Can I be so lucky to have people who care for me so much. Im so happy. But as i sit alone right now, i can honestly say that i miss that environment. But dont want to be in that environment again.

One thing i will not miss....the food. But its not like i can jump straight for babas either. Im gonna be on the recovery trail for about a month I believe. How does your stomach cope when a part of it goes missing? "Hey, where did gall bladder go? wasn't he there earlier". Anyways, so gotta be good on my diet and move around.

However, my belly button looks kind've weird. Four smalls cuts, but my belly button looks ifie. Recovery stage right? Hope its not like that for long.

Well for now, no pain no gain.....and try not to eat chocolate (the hardest task)

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