Sunday, March 9, 2008

My daring escape!

People be careful of Nastassja Camille Vidrio!

She might look like she's planning to take your advice, she smiles, she agrees. But in her mind she's plottin her next move.

Well..... yes be careful of me cause i dont think most people know the things that roam around in my head. But this weekend, i was bold, daring and went against my doctor's, co-workers, boss's advice to stay home and rest. Yeah it's been a week since i had surgery, but that didn't stop me. Hey i'm young, life is short. Can't just spend my time recovering all alone. And before i even say what i did, i want to make a point first that i did listen to their advice, for two days. I did it. Just not as long as they wanted me too.

I emailed my friend, packed and walked down the hill with that Mission Impossible song in my head. "Will Nastassja get caught by one of her teachers as she tries to leave Iwaki?" And by my luck, i could've picked the worse time to leave my safe haven. My bus came at 4:26. 4:05 work is over and it's a friday. And of course, the bus was late.

Luckily, made it out of iwaki with no incidents. But soon regretted it when the bus started to rattle and the pain came. Well my doctor did warn me about moving my body a lot.....

Made it to Koriyama. Wanted to go straight to my friends house, just crash in front of the tv and eat a salad. Of course that was delayed since she wanted me to buy her a dr. pepper and french cheese at the international food store. But that cheese was great. Shober cheese. Great stuff that is.

I escaped and i do feel a lot more informed about what's happenin in the world now. I basically sat in front of the tv and watched CNN, MTV and random shows like Bones, CSI, Dirty Jobs, Anthony Bourdain, Mulan 2 and Detective Conan. Oh i love tv.

And Obama rocks.

So it was a great chillaxin weekend. I know lucy is glad i left cause i was actin like the world's most laziest friend who comes over, eats all the food, doesn't clean (I cooked dinner tho) and never gets up from the couch. I was also abusing the "I just had surgery" line too many times. It's great to be a couch potato sometimes. And its soo easy to do it at her house.

Oh also my child is gonna have a mo-hawk when he's a baby and be able to speak another language by the time he is 5. But lucy said that mo-hawk is not possible with my hair. Well lucy i will prove it to you!

I go back to work tomorrow. Im a little bit worried. This school has only 5 kids but i know ill get tired and just end up sitting down the rest of the day. I can't run, can't push or carry heavy things. Well i guess i can be lazy and abuse "I just had surgery"

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