Tuesday, February 12, 2008

im back from my long break ie. i was lazy to blog

Hey folks!

So crazy stuff happenin. Not really gonna give a re-cap on all the things i have done, complained and moaned about since the last time i wrote cause dont really want to do it.

But what i would like to talk about is how good it felt to dance with marc when i was in Sapporo for the yuki matsuri. Oh now dont get all ooooohhhhh-y on me and thinking that the reason im happy was because I danced with him. Nope not the reason.
My reason of being happy was because i let everything go. All inhibitions, all my doubts, self-conscious? i used my white air forces and kicked it out the window. Wow it felt soo good. I was leanin with it and rockin wit it. Didn't even care that no one else besides marc knew the song or the dance we were doin.

Good good feelin.

Then we proceeded to do random runway walks. I laughed. I twirled. Laughed some more. Maybe the alk in my system was a big factor to my attitude that night, but well....a good job done mr. rum and coke and good job well done. Now all i have to do is to take that feeling mr. rum and coke so wonderfully graced me that night, but not actually using mr. rum and coke. Now how do i do that?

Why does alk make me say everything i want to and do what i want to without havin a care in the world? It feels good, really fullfilling and revealing. Like i can take a deep breath and just feel weight being lifted of my shoulders.

Now im not preachin, yeah for alk. And im not gonna turn into a little alky either. I just like the chemicals it sends to my brain.

Just actin dumb with your friends. Something so good. I never had so much fun singing nelly and kelly rowland. Why for the life of me im not able to remember the name of the song. But it was fun. fun fun fun fun fun.
How many times did i write fun in this post?
Im sleepy now. potato house is pullin me into itusland. Must go....
too tired to check for mistakes. most likely there will be some.